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May 12, 2024


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Larry O'Hara

Dave would be thrilled to being compared to a teenager! Seriously, Basu may well claim the marches are seen as a 'safety valve' but the fact is, peaceful discontent with the UK's support for genocide in Gaza is so widespread PC Plod has had little choice other than to stand by and do nothing.

Two further points.
1) I accept there is so much content in the magazine not everything could be mentioned, but I would draw readers attention to the fascinating data comparing prosecutions for (alleged) continuity NA membership and that (zero) for Al Muhajiroun membership.
2) Finally, it is worth pointing out that both new publications (and much more besides) are available directly from us at https://borderland.co.uk

If this issue sizzles (which it does!) the next will be a towering inferno (for some...)

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