9/11 Cultwatch has swapped some interesting emails with Chris Bovey. In his persona as 'Dr Hemp' Chris was for a period an activist in the UK and Ireland 9/11 Truth Movement, something he now regrets. We used to criticise him strongly on this site.
We have not yet had the chance to sit down and meet Chris, but hopefully that will change, as he is an interesting person with much to say. Last month Chris posted the following comment on this blog, and it is reproduced here in order to give it the status it requires:
Chris Bovey:
For the record, this is ages old.
I did used to be involved in the cult of the 9/11 Truth Movement, although I was NEVER a major player. I fell for some very slickly made videos about 9/11 where I was conned and I'm happy to put my hands up to admit that I was a fool for believing this rubbish.
I was briefly friends with David Shayler, but we soon fell out when I didn't accept that he was Jesus Christ (as he claims) and suggested to him he should seek professional advice from a qualified mental health professional. I also did not like some of his antiSemetic rants. Even in comments I made 6 years ago here, I state that I think David Shayler is nuts.
I still think David Shayler is nuts. I've personally heard him say some antisemitic rantings claiming the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are real, something I have NEVER said, I believe they are forgeries. I've also heard David Shayler and other conspiraloon fruitbat Ian R Crane deny the holocaust happened, which is of course nonsense and highly offensive to Jewish people. I am a critic of Israeli policy towards Palestine, as are many Jewish people, but I came to the conclusion that the Truth Movement Cult goes a lot further than criticising Israel and there is a lot of antiSemitism within the Truth Movement Cult.
I feel stupid and embarrassed about my involvement with these loons, but at the time I watched these videos on youtube or DVD and they made it seem so convincing. I also believe my dislike of the Bush regime clouded my judgement. That does not mean to say I don't believe Bush exploited 9/11 for his own ends, but if you look in the right places on the Internet there are perfectly plausible explanations as to why the towers came down and it would be pretty much impossible to rig sky scrapers up with explosives without anyone noticing.
These people tell call you sheeple, tell you to do their research, etc., and often become very aggressive if you challenge their belief system. I was subject to some horrific abuse when I denounced them, especially after I pulled the chemtrail stunt ...
Possibly one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories is the chemtrail one, (again I'm pleased to say I never believed in this one).
One good thing did come out of my flirtation with the Truth Movement is once I escaped their cult, I still understood how they think so I was able to pull off a massive troll on these idiots. To prove how gullible truthers are I posted a video on Facebook of a plane I was a passenger on that had to dump fuel in order to make an emergency landing, because there was a technical problem with the plane. It's been shared nearly 50k times as proof of chemtrails and almost viewed 3 million times. I didn't realise it would go viral, I did it initially did it to prank a few mates, but it really is an excellent example of how Conspiracy Theorists share any old rubbish on social media without first checking their facts.
You can read more about this at www.vice.com/en_uk/read/i-tricked-chemtrail-conspiracy-theorists-947
and here is the now infamous footage
It is still being shared to this day as proof of chemtrails, thus further proving people will believe any old rubbish they read on the internet without checking their facts.
For the record, I joined the David Icke forum for a laugh, and even made some good friends, I was voted to be a moderator by members who nominated me and I did it for a year or so out of pure curiosity, I never applied for the job. For the record I think David Icke is a liar, conman, charlatan and loony who makes a living selling bullshit to the gullible. It's quite frightening to think that a man who claims the world is run by shape shifting lizards and the Moon is a giant spaceship has such a large following. I met him once, he was really creepy and arrogant. I also had the misfortune to sit through one of his talks, as they gave me a free ticket ... nine hours of pure boredom with him ranting on about the Rothechild bank and enlightening his audience how the Moon is in fact a spaceship.
As for Tony Gosling, he recently blocked me on Facebook for suggesting the mainstream media do not publish his work because it is all unverifiable conspiracy nonsense and that the reason the BBC no longer employ him is because he is a shit journalist.
Paul doesn't want to remove the article, however at least I have right of reply to deny that I am in any way involved with the Truther Cult and have not been for many many years. We are in discussion to perhaps write a piece on this web site, as to how an ex-truther who got duped into being a member of a silly cult and why I came out of it. I think this is important, as these people are also dangerous, as they encourage people not to vaccinate their children, even though they have no understanding of medical science, putting kids lives at risk because of their ignorance and stupidity.