Well, thank you Bilderbergs.
Not only have you managed to put Watford on the map (something last achieved when the great British sit-com Terry and June was set there) but you have even provided the comedy gold of bringing Alex Jones to the country.
Here at 9/11 Cultwatch we can't get too excited by the Bilderberg Group - as we have said on many occasions when asked to comment 'members of the ruling class meet together and talk politics shock'. That some in the media - from both left and right - seem to have got a little giddy about the conference surprised us. However when we see the often sensible Spinwatch tweeting comments 9/11 truther Michael Meacher MP has made about Bilderberg, we are reminded how much websites like this still have to do:
RT @occupylondon: SKY NEWS: UK MP Michael Meacher calls for transparency of #Bilderberg2013: youtu.be/jAm-l4kE1Zw @occupynn #olsx...
— Spinwatch (@Spinwatch) June 7, 2013
Having said that, Tom Griffin's Spinwatch article on Bilderberg is eminently sensible, and his reference to the federalist nature of Bilderberg perhaps explains why some in UKIP have got more excited about the event than they really should.
Now, how do we make Alex Jones go away again?