Just when you think the 9/11 cult can't get any wackier, they do. What better proof than the call by Justin Walker that fellow-cultists should support that charlatan and anti-semite David Icke in the forthcoming by-election called by David Davis, Shadow Tory Home Secretary http://www.truthforum.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=65. Late night TV will therefore (perhaps) be momentarily enlivened by Icke telling us in great detail how the Zionist Lizards are taking control of the universe (still not yet complete apparently)...If anti-semitism wasn't such a distasteful matter, it would be almost amusing.
Icke himself illustrates (yet again) the political shallowness of cultists/conspiracy theorists, by saying this "I would be supporting the stand of Davis against the Orwellian State and I would want him to win the seat and let him be a voice against the Big Brother society in Parliament"
The idea, frankly, that inveterate insider Davis, ex-SAS and all, has somehow, overnight, become a 'libertarian' is farcical--he has never before objected to the increase of state power that has taken place over many years, whether it be the Miners Strike, the Prevention of Terrorism Act, The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, Guantanamo Bay etc. However, cultists are so shallow that were it now revealed (or alleged) the late Harold Shipman thought 9/11 was an 'inside job' he would no doubt be installed as after-Life President of 'GPs for 9/11 Truth', and maybe, as we speak, if Ian Huntley now decides he thinks (from YouTube research) that WTC 7 collapse was indeed due to pre-planted explosives he would be enthroned as founder of 'School Caretakers for 9/11 Truth' and so on.
In contrast, we at 9/11 Cultwatch take a long-term, considered view of both political trends and those speaking for them. Having encountered Justin Walker and (in 1995) crossed swords with David Icke, I am personally very glad they are both no longer in the Green Party--the 9/11 cult is welcome to them!